Uncle Khleang first performance

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Veteran rapper Pou Khlaing is very busy in his singing career, both in the studio and on stage. But at the same time, he felt even more strange after becoming an actor for the first time in a comedy film with Neay Kroeun.

Speaking at the premiere of a film at Edin Garden, Boeung Kak Lake, Pou Khleang said he also wanted the opportunity to star in later films and wanted producers to adapt his character to music. Recently, he has loved since the beginning.

"Production of Neay Kroeun" by LD Productions is the first large-scale film in which he has had the opportunity to act, but in this film he has only a few scenes. According to the news, this story may be released in March 2023.

According to the eloquent rapper, in 2023, he and his band, who co-produced his own song, had a full year of sponsors, could easily survive by simply contracting his band to do it. Give them 10 new songs a year.

Although he has been busy producing songs and appearing in the music industry in recent months, he also wants to enjoy more acting. He revealed that he is currently earning a lot of money from his singing career, but he will also get a job as a BA or other actor at the same time. 

Article: Jolii Medai 


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